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EN - Anglická
  • CZ - Česká
  • SK - Slovenská
  • PL - Polská
  • RO - Rumunská
  • RU - Ruská
  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

BIOPIROX 10 mg/ml cutaneous spray, solution

Homepage Products Veterinary products BIOPIROX 10 mg/ml cutaneous spray, solution

Antimycotic spray

type of preparative: Dermatologics
target species animals: Dog, Cat, Horse


Piroctonolamine - 1 g in 100 ml of vehiculum.


Therapy of mycotic diseases of skin produced by dermatophytic fungi in horses, dogs and cats.

Method of administration:

The preparation shall be sprayed from the distance of 10 - 20 cm on the affected spots at least 4 times in 2 - 4 days intervals until the clinical symptoms burn out. Form of spray makes penetration of the active substance easier on spots that are accessible with difficulty and this way it makes treatment of many animals possible.

Preparation for application:

Shake the bottle before use!

Undesirable effects:

Possible occurrence of allergic reaction in hypersensitive animals.


Store in dry and dark place at the temperature of 10 - 25°C, protect against light and sources of radation heat. The preparation is inflammable matter of IInd class!

Protection period:

Not for food animals.

Shelf life:

24 months


100 ml in bottles with mechanical sprayer.
