Conference: Modern Solutions to Cattle Reproduction Issues
Homepage News What´s new? Conference: Modern Solutions to Cattle Reproduction Issues
On 16 June 2020, the company Genoservice Russia, together with the company Bioveta, have organized a webinar for managers, veterinarians and specialists of the dairy farms in the Russian Federation focused on "Modern Solutions to Cattle Reproduction Issues“.
The Agrarian Diplomat of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation, Nikola Hrušková, welcomed participants of the webinar with a welcoming speech, in which she emphasized importance of this event for development of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the Czech and Russian farmers. Kristýna Prokopová, the Regional Director of Bioveta for Russia, gave a speech at the webinar, talking about a new line of vaccines from Bioveta for the cattle portfolio on the Russian market and introducing the main speakers of the webinar - Product Manager for Hormonal Medicinal Products – Dr. Josef Zajíc and Product Manager for Cattle and Pigs – Dr. Pavel Raška.
Dr. Zajíc acquainted participants of the webinar with the risk factors in individual phases of the reproductive cattle cycle. He also talked about ultrasonic examination of cattle and about diagnosis of pregnancy. Dr. Raška lectured on "Current trends in Livestock Immunization" in connection with Bioveta vaccines. Denis Kaluzhskich (Deputy Director of the company Genoservice Russia) also spoke at the webinar, emphasizing key indicators for evaluating effectiveness of reproduction in the farms.
45 participants were registered at the webinar. They assessed the relevance and topicality of the lecturers' topics very positively, excellent understanding of the situation in the Russian Federation and fluency of the Russian language of the Czech colleagues. A great interest was shown in Bioveta product catalogue and in the documents of the company Genoservice Russia.