Cherkasy – National Farm Day
Homepage News What´s new? Cherkasy – National Farm Day
On 29 August 2019, another "National Farm Day" was organized in Ukraine in the premises of one of the leaders in milk production of the Cherkasy region, the company СПОП Видродження (SPOP Vidrodzhennya).
About 200 participants from among the owners, top managers, veterinarians and agronomists of the dairy farms from all over the Ukraine gathered at the venue. Experts and consultants from professional associations and trading companies shared new information and trends applicable even for the Ukrainian dairy farms. In the theoretical morning part, the lectures introducing the latest technologies and developments in the field were presented, and opinions and experiences were exchanged. In this section, MVDr. Pavel Raška (the Bioveta Product Manager for cattle) presented the company Bioveta, a.s., including the complete portfolio of medicinal products for the cattle that has already been registered in Ukraine. In the afternoon practical section, MVDr. Raška familiarized the present veterinary specialists with the possibilities of diagnostics, therapy and especially immunoprophylaxis in the sector of solution of respiratory infections of calves and young cattle. On the stand of the Bioveta Ukraine branch, in the presence of another Bioveta Product Manager, MVDr. Dalibor Pavlíček and sales representatives of the branch, many new contacts were established with the participants of the event. Bioveta, a.s., one of the important partners of this event, could once again be seen and heard.