Bioveta´s Product Managers visited Lithuania
Homepage News What´s new? Bioveta´s Product Managers visited Lithuania
On 23. 9–26. 9., the Product Managers of Bioveta for cattle and pigs visited Lithuania, where they took an active part in the conference under the auspices of the state authority and distribution company “VetMarket”.
MVDr. Pavel Raška presented a lecture on “respiration syndrome in cattle and its solution using the preparations from the Bioveta portfolio”. Another lecture supervised by MVDr. Dalibor Pavlíček on the subject of “autogenous vaccines and the experience with them”. This conference was visited by more 60 veterinary surgeons (specialised in buiatrics), who evaluated the presentations very positively.
The next day, the Product Managers for cattle and pigs moved to one of the farms of “AUGA Group” in the north of Lithuania. This company manages 38 000 ha of organic land. More than 3 500 pieces of dairy cattle are grown in the farms. In one concrete farm, doctor Raška and doctor Pavlíček solved the problems related to diarrhoea, respiratory diseases in calves and young cattle, mastitis and diseases of limbs. As those are organic farms, the possibility of drug applications is very limited here. Because of that, the farms of “AUGA Group” tend to disease prevention. During the meeting with a veterinary surgeon of the particular farm and his superior, who manages all farms of dairy cattle, the new zoo-hygienic and immunoprophylactic procedures solved by means of Bioveta´s vaccines registered in Lithuania were set up.
This mission brought the strengthening of good relationships between Bioveta and veterinarians from Lithuania. Besides, new contacts were established when solving current health issues of animals in the care of local veterinary surgeons to whom useful professionals advices regarding the use of our preparations were handed over and recommendations on the optimisation of vaccination procedures were given.