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Bioveta introduced new vaccines at a seminar in Bangladesh

Homepage News What´s new? Bioveta introduced new vaccines at a seminar in Bangladesh


Bioveta introduced new vaccines at a seminar in Bangladesh On 6 December 2024, MVDr. Robert Kuhn, Bioveta Area Director for East and Southeast Asia, attended a technical seminar in Bangladesh. It was organized by our local partner and the Bangladesh Small Animal Veterinary Association (BASAVA).

During the event our new Biofel and Biocan Novel vaccines produced for local clinics specialized in pet animal care, number of which is rapidly growing, were officially launched on the local market.

Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing Asian markets, as for poultry as well as still developing segment of pet animal care. Bioveta is aware of the significance of this dynamically developing market, and we believe that together with our strong local partner we will play a key role in the field of local animal health.


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