EN - Anglická CZ - Česká SK - Slovenská PL - Polská RO - Rumunská RU - Ruská TR - Turecká UA - Ukrajinská
EN - Anglická
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  • RO - Rumunská
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  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

Biocan M and Biocan M Plus emerged as favourite anti dermatophytic products attracting the interest of most Bulgarian veterinarians

Homepage News What´s new? Biocan M and Biocan M Plus emerged as favourite anti dermatophytic products attracting the interest of most Bulgarian veterinarians


Biocan M and Biocan M Plus emerged as favourite anti dermatophytic products attracting the interest of most Bulgarian veterinarians The anniversary conference of Bulgarian veterinarians who deal with small animal medicine has taken place in Stara Zagora from 7-8 April 2017.

The conference was attended by more than 150 veterinarians from renowned Bulgarian pet clinics and other small animal medicine specialists from Italy, Austria, Romania and the Czech Republic.
Dr. Josef Zajic and Professor Miroslav Svoboda, from Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno - Czech Republic, participated the conference in behalf of Bioveta a.s.
Prof. Svoboda was one of the speakers who delivered a lecture titled in “Dogs and cats cutaneous fungal infection”. Beyond description of the most serious skin diseases of dogs and cats, his lecture has dealt with preventive, control and therapeutic measures against dermatophyosis. This presentation has highlighted the unique effect of Biocan M and Biocan M Plus vaccines on dermatophytosis caused by M. canis. Participants of the conference highly appreciated information delivered by this lecture particularly introduction of the vaccines Biocan M and Biocan M Plus for dogs and cats, respectively.

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