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EN - Anglická
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  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

EQUIMOXIN 18.92 mg/g oral gel for horses

Homepage News News in assortment EQUIMOXIN 18.92 mg/g oral gel for horses


EQUIMOXIN 18.92 mg/g oral gel for horses

Broad-spectrum horse deworming paste containing moxidectin

Translucent  clear to yellow oral gel.

The content of 1 applicator is intended for a horse weighing 700 kg of bw.

The recommended dose is 0.4 mg of moxidectin/kg per body weight which equals
to 1.056 g of product/50 kg bw.

One part of a piston scale on the applicator equals to the recommended dose of 50 kg per bw of a horse

Package sizes - 1 and 10 applicators



Infestation with parasites hypersensitive to moxidectin:

Big strongylidae:
Strongylus vulgaris (adults and arterial stages)
Strongylus edentatus (adults and visceral stages)
Triodontophorus brevicauda (adults)
Triodontophorus serratus (adults)
Triodontophorus tenuicollis (adults)

Small strongylidae (adults and intraluminal larval stages):
Cyathostomum spp.
Cylicocyclus spp.
Cylicostephanus spp.
Cylicodontophorus spp.
Gyalocephalus spp.

Parascaris equorum (adults and larval stages)

Other species:
Oxyuris equi (adults and larval stages)
Habronema muscae (adults)
Gasterophilus intestinalis (L2, L3)
Gasterophilus nasalis (L2, L3)
Strongyloides westeri (adults)
Trichostrongylus axei

The product induces a consistent efficacy against small strongylidae for a two-week period. Excretion of small strongylidae eggs is suppressed for 90 days.

The product is effective against (developing) intramucosal stages (L4) of small strongylidae.Within 8 weeks after the treatment early (hypobiotic) L3 stages of small strongylidae are eliminated.

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