EN - Anglická CZ - Česká SK - Slovenská PL - Polská RO - Rumunská RU - Ruská TR - Turecká UA - Ukrajinská
EN - Anglická
  • CZ - Česká
  • SK - Slovenská
  • PL - Polská
  • RO - Rumunská
  • RU - Ruská
  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

INTRAMAR SEAL 2.6 g Intramammary Suspension

Homepage Products Veterinary products INTRAMAR SEAL 2.6 g Intramammary Suspension

Intramammary product containing bismuth (mechanical sealant) for drying of dairy cows.

type of preparative: Antimicrobial products
target species animals: Cattle


Intramammary white suspension.


Each applicator (4 g) contains:

Bismuthi subnitras (Bismuth subnitrate)         2.6 g


Prevention of new intramammary infections throughout the dry periodo.

Use of the veterinary medicinal product is recommended as the integral part of herd health management and for prevention of new intramammary infections. Selection of cows for treatment by the veterinary medicinal product should be based on veterinary clinical judgment. The selection criteria can be based on the history of mastitis and somatic cell count in individual cows or on recognized tests for detection of subclinical mastitis or on bacteriological sampling.

In the cows where subclinical mastitis is not expected to occur, the veterinary medicinal product can be used alone during the dry period to control mastitis.

Infusion of the veterinary medicinal product into each quarter of the udder will form a plug (seal) in the teat creating an immediate and long-term physical barrier against penetration of the bacteria causing mammary gland disease. By preventing new intramammary infections during the dry period, the veterinary medicinal product also reduces incidence of clinical mastitis during the following lactation.


Cattle – dairy cows during the dry period.


For intramammary administration.

Infuse contents of one INTRAMAR SEAL applicator into each quarter of the mammary gland (udder) after the last milking during the period of lactation (beginning of the dry period). Do not massage the teat or udder after infusion of the product, as it is important that the plug/seal remains in the teat itself and does not enter the udder. It is recommended to squeeze the teat at its base during application.

Care should be taken to prevent pathogens from entering the udder, thereby reducing the risk of post-infusion mastitis.

As INTRAMAR SEAL has no antimicrobial activity, the teat must be thoroughly cleaned mechanically and disinfected using alcohol-soaked wipes or another suitable technique. The teats should be wiped until no dirt can be seen on the wipes. Allow the teats to dry prior to infusion. Administer aseptically and take care to avoid contamination of the intramammary applicator nozzle. After infusion, it is advisable to dip the teat in a suitable solution or apply spray on it.

To facilitate administration of the veterinary medicinal product in cold weather, the medicinal product can be warmed to the room temperature in a warm environment free from any risk of contamination.

After the intramammary infusion, the veterinary medicinal product is not absorbed. It can therefore be used during pregnancy. The seal may be swallowed by the calf after calving. Ingestion of the veterinary medicinal product by the calf is safe and does not cause any adverse effects.


Store below 25°C.

Protect from freezing.


No withdrawal periods are applicable.


Shelf life of the veterinary medicinal product as packaged for sale: 2 years.


24 x 4 g, 160 x 4 g and disinfectant wipes moistened with 65% v/v isopropyl alcohol solution (2.4 ml/wipe) to clean teats.

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.