Bioveta helps with breeding dairy cattle in Ukraine
Homepage News What´s new? Bioveta helps with breeding dairy cattle in Ukraine
Dr. Zajíc went to Ukraine again to acquaint the veterinary surgeons with the latest trends in the field of cow reproduction.
MVDr. Josef Zajíc, PhD., Bioveta’s Product Manager for Hormonal Products, travelled to Ukraine to meet veterinary surgeons on dairy farms. The purpose of this visit was to discuss the issue of cow reproduction and to present the latest methods, trends and possibilities of reproduction management with Bioveta’s products. The seminars were held on dairy farms in the Ternopil, Khmelnitsk and Vinnitsa regions. The seminar also included practical training of ultrasonographic diagnostics in dairy cow reproduction. Bioveta has previously organised these seminars in the Zhytomyr, Kharkiv and Poltava regions with the highest concentration of dairy cattle, where they were met with great success.